Rencontres professionnelles et accompagnement au développement international

Les artisans d’Extremadure présents au Festival Folk Arts de Budapest, partagent leur savoir-faire avec le public et les artisans hongrois.

Pour sa 29ème année, le Festival Folk Arts de Budapest se déroulera du 20 au 23 août 2015 sur la colline de Buda. Il accueille cette année l’Espagne avec la présence d’une délégation d’artisans d’Extremadure : Antonio Millara d’El Gardanes, Jesus Lopez Hita, Natalia Benchoam, Fernando Eduardo Montilla, Andres Amores, Loli Martin, Tino Trujillo et Raoul Cabrera.  Sellier, maroquinier, vitrailliste, sculpteur de bronze et métal, céramiste, bijoutier, fabricant de marionnettes exposeront leur savoir-faire uniques.

Every year since 1987, the Hungarian Folk Art Association (NESZ) organizes the Festival of Folk Arts, the most important event in the country devoted to traditional crafts.The Folk Arts Festival takes place in Budapest in the Buda Royal Palace in Budapest. The city is divided in two by the Danube, on one side the Buda hills surmounted by the Royal Palace and on the other the living city of Pest with its shops, venues, cafes and restaurants.The Folk Arts Festival of Budapest is in its twenty years of existence. This event combines traditional crafts, dance performances and traditional songs and welcomes 70,000 visitors with the summer tourism.800 stands of artisans settled on the hill around the Buda Castle, huge market of authentic and traditional products of high quality in an exceptional setting.

In Hungary, traditional crafts are attached to the Secretary of State for the Ministry of National Resources, through the Hungarian Heritage House Folk Art Association, NESZ, is a professionals association, which works for the preservation and promotion of Hungarian folk crafts.

Some of Hungarian Crafts are :

Bone carving : small goods made traditionaly by peasants and herdsmen

Woodworking : the origin comes from Capathian Basin with a lot of craftmen : carpenters, shingle –makers, coopers, cabinet makers making painted and engraved furniture with Carpathian motifs.

Bead Jewellery : made with a lot of natural materials such as mineral, wood or bones or manufacturing material such as glass or porcelain.

Embroidery : different types of thread or stitches such as cross stitch, satin stitch or buttonhole stitch etc.

Lace : differents types of famous bobbin lace such as Balatonendredi, Hunnia and Moga which adorned interior of houses or clothes.

Pottery : a great variety of materials for tableware or bakeware. Unglazed coloured with earthen dyes, tinglazed and black pottery.

Egg Decorating : a usual gift in the traditional spring fertility rites practiced on Easter in Eastern Europe.

Indigo Dying : after a printed process of indigo, the fabric or blue and white eastern porcelain feature, became an integral part of the Hungarian textile culture. These very popular printed textiles are used in various garments, tablecloths or bed linens.

Woven textiles : Hungarian woven textiles are made in different materials, flax, whole, cotton, hemp with woven lace or simple stripes or included flower patterns. These traditionnal homespun textiles are even very popular in Hungary to adorne interior houses.

Iron work : all kinds of items are wrought by masters to decorate their tools or to make objects. Ornmental smiths make wonderfull artistic creations adorning building, windows, gates or fences.


Ferinarte Foire de Trujillo Extremadure Espagne 30 avril – 3 mai 2015

Ferinarte 2015, l’artisanat dans un cadre architectural et urbain majestueux Une cinquantaine d’artisans ont participé à la 2ème édition de Ferinarte dans la ville historique de Trujillo d’où Francisco Pizzaro est parti à la découverte du Pérou en 1527. Vente de productions locales, poterie, céramique, dinanderie, maroquinerie, verrerie, bijoux, marionnettes, remise des prix de la… Poursuivre la lecture Ferinarte Foire de Trujillo Extremadure Espagne 30 avril – 3 mai 2015